Past clients include pharma heavyweights, biotech giants, and global non-profits using their power for good.
I've had the pleasure of working with and managing talented copywriters and designers on print, web, and television campaigns in Chicago, New York, and San Francisco. In recent years, I do it solo and on the side, pitching creative for causes I believe in.
Photo editing and design of science and economic texts and magazines.

The cause: Gender parity in government
The organization: Fund Her
My role: Brand designer, advisory board
Founded in 2017, Fund Her is a political action committee dedicated to electing progressive women to lead our states. The only organization of its kind, Fund Her provides the missing piece: the financial support to ensure progressive, accomplished women are well-positioned to win.
I have been an advisory board member since its founding and the organization's brand designer (logo, ads, and collateral). Fund Her recently opened its first chapter outside of California in the highly contested state of Virginia. With the team our founder has in place, I see Fund Her allowing gender parity in every state, and I'm so proud to have played a small role in this long-awaited success.