Past clients include pharma heavyweights, biotech giants, and global non-profits using their power for good.
I've had the pleasure of working with and managing talented copywriters and designers on print, web, and television campaigns in Chicago, New York, and San Francisco. In recent years, I do it solo and on the side, pitching creative for causes I believe in.
Photo editing and design of science and economic texts and magazines.
Project: Mifepristone online training:
Counsel and prescribe mifepristone for early abortion or miscarriage management.
This CME-accredited, video-based training tool is designed to evaluate patients prior to provision of mifepristone, effectively counsel patients, and discuss criteria to determine the need for additional clinical services after use.
My role: Design the end-to-end user experience.
Create a web/mobile app used as a training guide with the format:
SEE? (previously produced 3-part video on patient consult/prescribing)
DO! (practice Q/A on video content) and
TEACH! (interactive quiz) training guide.
The timeline for the project was tight, as the demand for training increased in 2019.

Creating a wireframe: Designing a user-driven experience.
Despite the linear content, the users needed to be able to skip around the site, accessing information between sections and during the Q & A. The developers and I together designed a 1-2-3-ordered format that included a navigation providing ongoing access to all sections simultaneously. Most users are clinicians pressed for time, completing the training via mobile over a course of days/weeks, making it necessary to have stop/start capabilities and intuitive, quick access to answers.

Look and feel: 3 options in setting the tone of delivery.
Option 1: Posterization of video stills represent each section which interact with moving video, making the SEE videos the visual anchor throughout the site.

Option 2: Main nav is a graphic tree, which branches and "grows" as the user moves from section to section, tracking what sections have been covered.

Option 3: Linear 1-2-3 layout with locator nav on every screen. This was the winning approach, and tested best due to its ease of use and simple, linear layout.

Icon design: We wanted to keep the button-like style of the icons, so I explored both illustrated and symbolic (character) solutions.
Testing results: a pictorial
illustration with a simplified, flat background
was the preferred choice.

Launched 2019: